anxiety over friendship

2 min readAug 29, 2021

I swear when one concern in my life fixes itself, another problem is thrown upon me. Lately, I have been feeling lots of anxiety when it comes to my friendships. My insecurities have made me feel like certain people who I thought were going to be life time friends are drifting away from me. I have no one else to blame, but myself but I never know how to pinpoint what went wrong and how this came about. A part of me thinks it could all be in my head, but I also do not want to be ignorant and discredit my gut feelings. I think at the end of the day it’s always important to treasure your friendships, but also to realize that like all things of this world, they are temporary. It is okay to grow distant from those you love. I hope to never speak or act with bitterness when my insecurities cloud my vision. I hope to learn to be okay with letting go of people who are not reciprocating in friendship/helping me grow as a person. I hope to stop being so sensitive and taking words/actions too personally. I hope to gain the ability to discern which friendships to continue to pursue. Experiencing these “friendship breakups” makes me want to almost give up in pursuing new friendships altogether. I really want to only give love back to this world, but it can be so difficult to do when I am feeling so overwhelmed with anxiety over these relationships. I pray that I gain a sense of security and confidence in my relationships.

