
2 min readMay 15, 2020

My boyfriend and puppy are two additions to my life that I would not trade for anything else in this world. With both individuals, I have learned so much about them, grown so much myself, and visualized a future with them by my side. They have both become shoulders to cry on, partners to protect, and entities to shower love upon. However, with all the love that they have given me, I also have the duty to take on their burdens. Whether it be comforting my significant other during stressful times or sacrificing my time to care for my puppy, all good things come at a cost. This week has been one of those weeks where I learned to understand what it means to sacrifice one’s own well-being to lessen the burdens of another. I personally had one of my easier weeks this week with exams ending on Monday and basically just chilling for the rest of the school week, but I cannot say the same for my boyfriend as he is stressing about several factors of his life that range from work to housing situations to friendships to family. Letting someone into my life and calling them my significant other means so much more than what’s on the surface (so much more than what instagram shows lol). It’s also learning to empathize and feeling what they are feeling (sometimes to an even greater extent because you want what’s best for them because you love them THAT much). My thoughts this week were FILLED with anxieties not about myself for once, but for the well-being of my boyfriend and puppy. Just seeing the drastic difference in our mental states this week was very eye opening and feeling myself care SO MUCH for someone/something other than myself just really got me to think — wow I really love these two :)

Prayer requests for the week: 1) to trust in God’s perfect plan — not just in a general sense, but also in the little everyday issues that bring about a lot of anxiety, 2) to soften the hearts of certain people in my life towards certain situations, 3) to be less emotionally-driven and more logically/spiritually-driven

