long distance friendship

2 min readFeb 1, 2021

I received a Christmas card from one of my best friends from college this past holiday season and was so extremely touched while reading it for the first time that I started to bawl. I won’t share everything said in the card obviously, but my favorite line she wrote was, “People say you’ll have both a romantic and friend soulmate in your lifetime, and I’ve found my other half in you.”

Today, was a pretty shitty day for me. With 3 exams tomorrow, roommate struggles, relationship frustrations, stress about the future, etc. I felt like my world was crashing down, but re-reading this card really helped me stay grounded and made me reminisce about my undergrad days when I had this older sister figure to look up to and lean on when times got rough. I miss this friend so very much and didn’t even realize it. We talk to each other pretty consistently on a weekly basis about things that range from Korean dramas, rants about the latest convenience, where we are in faith, or just daily updates on our lives. But I really haven’t seen her in person for over a year. :(

Looking back, she really was such a rock. I would come running to her apartment when I had great news, felt sad, was bored, or drunk lol. Her apartment was a safe haven for me to get away from my stupid college decisions and stresses from school. She was such a non-judgmental unnie who I know always had my back and my best interests in mind. I really grew up in her presence and never felt an ounce of judgement from her, even though I was such a freakin’ idiot during college lol. I think back at our times together and truly wonder if I will ever find another friend like her again. I swear we were sisters in another life from having the same energy, sense of humor, ways of thinking, and even last name. As cliche as it sounds, I think I am me and so okay with being me because of her. So thank you for being there and I really do yearn for the day we reunite ❤ Love you my soulmate.

